No accessory says ‘summertime’ quite like a straw beach hat. It’s the perfect finishing touch to every beach outfit, and chances are we all have one in our closet (if not, you can get one HERE).
Our love for long lazy beach days runs just as deep as our love for seashells, so we decided to accessorize our JUST BE STRONG ROXY HAT by adding a custom beaded shell hat band.
Read on for the how-to-guide so you can customize yours and make it extra cute for summer days spent on the beach.
Step 1 : Gather Your Supplies
It’s pretty simple... you will need : your favorite straw beach hat, some jewelry making twine,
a variety of beads, a crimping bead to secure the twine, scissors, and small jewelry pliers.
Step 2 : Cut Your Twine & String Your Beads
Start by cutting a piece of twine long enough to wrap around the 1/2 front of the top of your hat, plus enough length for the strap below - about 2 1/2 feet. Start by stringing your beads in the center of the twine - these will be the beads that wrap around the top of the hat.
Step 3 : Secure Your Beaded Twine To The Hat
Once you have added enough beads to wrap around 1/2 of the front of your hat, secure your twine to the hat by threading each end through the straw, pulling it tight so the already beaded part is secure against the top of the hat, while the remaining thread hands below on the other side.
Step 4 : Finish Stringing The Lower Twine Strands
Flip the hat upside down and finish stringing beads to both ends of the twine, leaving enough twine on the end to secure it with the crimping bead.
Step 5 : Secure And Finish With A Crimping Bead
Once the beads are even on each side, use a small crimping bead to secure the ends of each strand together. Thread each end of the twine through the bead in opposite directions, pull through both ends so it’s nice and snug, and then smash the crimping bead with your small pliers, securing the twine in place. Trim off the extra bits on the end, and your band is complete!
Step 6 : Head To The Beach In Style
Pair your hat with your favorite bikini and head to the beach for a stylish day under the sun.